I don't know if you have noticed but lately I have found it difficult to find the time and inclination to blog.
I love writing blog posts, when I have something to write about. Currently my life consists of breast feeding, changing nappies, avoiding sick, praying Fred will sleep and going to baby groups. Jamie and I aren't even getting much time together because every time we have an evening free we are either battling to get Fred to go to sleep or I fall asleep as soon as he does. (not ideal- although for the last two nights Fred has slept for 6 hours at a time!)
Please don't misunderstand me, I LOVE having Fred and doing all of the above baby things (well most).
In order to write I need something to write about and the baby free time in which to write it. I am currently quite short of both of those things.
This is going to be our first Christmas as a family of three. I'm excited to have a good amount of time together and with our extended families. We leave for our Christmas South coast tour (both sets of our parents live on the south cost but about over 100 miles apart) tomorrow afternoon, straight after Church. Before then we have to pack more then we have ever packed before.
Baby = stuff and more stuff
SO the long and short of it is I'm going to have a guilt free break from blogging over the Christmas period.
I have signed up to a blogging course in January so I can return with more inspiration and passion for my little space.
Fred and I wish you a merry and blessed Christmas and will hopefully see you in the New Year.