
Saturday, 21 December 2013

Christmas blogging break

I don't know if you have noticed but lately I have found it difficult to find the time and inclination to blog.

I love writing blog posts, when I have something to write about. Currently my life consists of breast feeding, changing nappies, avoiding sick, praying Fred will sleep and going to baby groups. Jamie and I aren't even getting much time together because every time we have an evening free we are either battling to get Fred to go to sleep or I fall asleep as soon as he does. (not ideal- although for the last two nights Fred has slept for 6 hours at a time!)

Please don't misunderstand me, I LOVE having Fred and doing all of the above baby things (well most).

In order to write I need something to write about and the baby free time in which to write it. I am currently quite short of both of those things.

This is going to be our first Christmas as a family of three. I'm excited to have a good amount of time together and with our extended families. We leave for our Christmas South coast tour (both sets of our parents live on the south cost but about over 100 miles apart) tomorrow afternoon, straight after Church. Before then we have to pack more then we have ever packed before. 

Baby = stuff and more stuff

SO the long and short of it is I'm going to have a guilt free break from blogging over the Christmas period. 

I have signed up to a blogging course in January so I can return with more inspiration and passion for my little space.

Fred and I wish you a merry and blessed Christmas and will hopefully see you in the New Year.

The Chester Saturnalia Parade

Thursday evening, Jamie, Fred (asleep in his pushchair) and I went in to Chester City Centre to meet some of Jamie's young people and explore the Christmas market. I can highly recommend the mulled apple juice.

While we were there, out if nowhere came 30ish men dressed as Roman soldiers, carrying lit torches and shouting. We decided to follow them, who wouldn't?!

It turned out they were re-enacting the roman festival of Saturnalia, a festival in honour of he Roman god Saturn who, according to Wikipedia, was an agricultural god. 

Things like this are part of why I love Chester, It is such a spontaneous City with random events happening throughout the year.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Preparing for Christmas

We are almost half way through Advent, that is shocking to me because I haven't even got an advent calendar! I'm blaming Fred for making me so dis-organised. I do somehow have all my Christmas gifts prepared (yes I am gloating a little).

Advent is important to me and many other Christians because it reminds us to prepare spiritually for Jesus coming to earth again, it is also lovely that it ties in with the run up to the celebration of Christ's birth. 

Advent for me is an essential part of Christmas, without advent and the reminder that we are living in expectation of what is to come, Christmas becomes a hollow, food and drink fueled present fest. 

Don't get me wrong I LOVE food (especially Christmas food, Christmas Cake is so good! I can eat a ton of Marzipan and roasted vegetables though not together), drink (sadly I won't be able to drink much this year because of breast feeding but I am going to have a couple of glasses of mulled wine - the drink of Christmas Champions) and presents (I LOVE opening presents! and giving presents, it makes me happy). But Christmas is much MUCH better when it has meaning, and is less self centered.

My Husband, Jamie, for every day of Advent is tweeting a way that we can prepare for and celebrate Christmas that is less selfish and will bless others; because realigning ourselves with God and his plan for us means we are more concerned about being a blessing to other people; over and above our own personal gain. 

You can follow his tweets with the Hash tag #ChristmasRhythms or you can check out the Tearfund Rhythms website. HERE As well as Jamie's tweets they have many ideas of ways to make Christmas more special and less consumer driven. All good things if you ask me.

I don't often do serious posts. but so many bloggers are blogging about gift ideas and festive makes and I don't feel I have anything to add to that strand of conversation. I feel so often we get wrapped up in the physical preparations that we forget to stop and remember what its all about.

Thanks for reading. Just because no blog post is complete with a photo of Fred here is the two of us in our accidentally matching Christmas outfits. (I was very embarrassed)

Monday, 2 December 2013

An Autumnal Walk

I feel like I have missed out on some of the joys of Autumn this year, because of the joys of Fred. 
This weekend we went for a little Autumn walk, the colours were bright, the air was crisp and I was with my two favourite people.
Thank God for seasons, walks and family.