
Sunday, 26 January 2014

Ordinary moments: Our daily walk

Possibly the most Ordinary Moment is our daily walk. Even when we are both ill, grumpy and unwilling to socialise we still,most days, go for a walk.
 As you know, if you have been reading my adventures for a while, Fred is not a good sleeper especially during the day. He will sleep in his pushchair and if I'm lucky he will stay asleep in there for up to 3 hours!
I enjoy our walks, we don't go far, or anywhere special, but it is really sweet to watch him drifting off.

 First he gets a stare on, then after 5- 10 minutes of staring he starts to long blink. Sometimes it takes a while, other times he blinks only twice before his eyelids become too heavy to open.

As I walk I listen to audio books. It is great to have some me time at the same time as looking after Fred. 
And it is guilt free - new mums dream.



  1. Great Ordinary Moment, we try to go for a walk every day too- mostly for my sanity!! Archie is a pram sleeper too, xx

  2. This is great. My older daughter used to do this, my younger baby only ever sleeps in her cot! Love the idea of audio books while walking :) oh, your boy is gorgeous :) xx

    1. That is amazing that your little one sleeps in her cot! Tell me your secrets

  3. Audio books whilst walking is genius! Am I the only one who is a bit jealous and wishes someone would push me around in a cosy pram in the fresh air?!

    1. I am very jealous, especially when it is raining! I think it would be so nice and cosy in there.

  4. This is lovely - I have loads of photos like this too, of Toby sleeping in his pushchair. I have to use a snoozeshade now though if I want him to sleep - he won't go to sleep when there's so much to look at outside!

    1. I will have to remember the snoozle shade in case feed x stops sleeping in his pushchair. It can't stop.

  5. This is beautiful. I have loved going on walks with both my girls, it's harder now my biggest girl doesn't want to go in her buggy for a long period of time. When they were little I would walk for hours and hours. x

  6. Aww he's so cute in that hat! I remember lots of long walks with my eldest but now we go at a more sedate toddler speed - it's still fun though!

  7. Lovely picture! I love taking the kids on walks too. These days our walks mostly consist of the school run, but it's a 30 minute walk each way, so I get plenty of thinking time, especially when my littlest falls asleep on the way to school in the afternoon.
