This February I'm taking part in a campaign to help people take charge of their money. Part of the reason I am passionate about being the master of my own money and helping people to do the same is tied in with my faith. The most misquoted verse of the Bible is Timothy chapter 6 verse 10. Usually people say money is the route of all evil, but actually the Bible says 'the love of money is the route of all evil'. Money itself can't be evil, money has no power unless we give it power. That means that we need to be charge of money, make money serve us not the other way around.
If you are in debt and are worrying a lot about money, it is in charge of you.
I'm hoping this campaign will help someone put money where it should be in their life and help me to improve my budgeting skills.
About the campaign: It's called The Great British Budget and the aim is simple, to encourage as many people as possible to set and stick to their budgets. have created a budgeting app and are on a mission to get Britain budgeting.
As part of The Great British Budget campaign this February I am going to be sharing my experience of saving money and living on a budget as well as money saving tips and some more budget friendly recipes like my Vegetable Frittas, and Spicy Pepper Soup.
Jamie and I are already living on quite a tight budget due to me being on maternity leave. We have also been giving 10% of our income to charity and saving 10% of our income every month for nearly 2 years now. The process of choosing where our money would go and working out how much 10% of our monthly income was, helped us to take charge of our money. We do have a credit card, but as a rule we always pay it off. We didn't pay it off immediately only once, when we bought out tickets to Cambodia. It took us 3 months.
We aren't perfect, we spend too much money on random spending sprees, and we do like treats in our weekly shop. We also have been meaning to cancel our love film subscription for a couple of months but we just haven't got round to it!
We are saving money for a few reasons;
* one day we want to buy a house.
* we really like holidays
* we would like to have enough set aside for emergencies such as the car breaking or long term illness.
What about you? Do you have subscriptions you could cancel? What are you saving for?
There are a few different ways to get involved with The Great British Budget this February. You can join in with the twitter competition to by tweeting a picture of something relevant to the days photo challenge. You can win shopping vouchers :)
Follow @yourwealthuk on twitter for money saving tips and to take part in the #GreatBritishBudget photo challenge.
You can commit to sticking to your budget for February on The Great British Budget website and download the app to help.
I am going to sign up and try out the app. I will let you know how it goes.